The regents quarreled and headed two hostile parties.From 1440 route planner european to 1489.Amurath, who was sultan at the time of the death of Sigismond, thought the moment propitious for extending his conquests.He immediately summoned the nobles to his presence, and introducing to them Albert and Elizabeth, thus affectingly addressed them Loving friends, you know that since the route planner european commencement of my reign I have employed my utmost exertions to maintain public tranquillity.Exultation over the Victory.Albert and route planner european Elizabeth accompanied his remains to Hungary.Matthias, having quelled the insurrection, was so enraged with the emperor, that he declared war against him, and immediately invaded Austria.ALBERT, LADISLAUS route planner european AND FREDERIC.The Motive inducing the Lord of Praunstein to declare War., King of route planner european France.Ladislaus was now thirteen years of age.Jealous of the growing route planner european power of George Podiebrad, he instigated Matthias, King of Hungary, to make war upon Bohemia, promising Matthias the Bohemian crown.
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