This battle of the Blue Licks, as it is called, occupies one of the most mournful pages in the history of Kentucky.The Indian warriors, with a military discipline hardly to be expected of them, instantly collected in documentation engineering ieee system several strong cabins, which were their citadels, and from whose loop holes, unexposed, they could open a deadly fire upon their assailants, In an instant, the whole aspect of affairs was changed.During Boone's absence from Kentucky, one of the most bloody battles was fought, which ever occurred between the whites and the Indians.Victors and vanquished were blended together upon the banks of the documentation engineering ieee system stream.Though the Indians organized no formidable raids, they were very annoying.From the middle of November to the middle of February, the ground was covered documentation engineering ieee system with snow and ice, without a thaw.Land was fertile, abundant and cheap.He drew it to him with his feet, and succeeded noiselessly in documentation engineering ieee system cutting the cords.In accordance with their barbaric custom, they selected in vengeance four of the prisoners and put them to death by the most terrible tortures which savage ingenuity could devise.We found forty three on the ground, and many lay about which we could not stay to find, hungry and weary as we were, and dubious that documentation engineering ieee system the enemy might not have gone off quite.Town lots were ordered to be surveyed, and a very liberal grant of land was conferred upon every one who would erect a house at least sixteen feet square, with either brick, stone, or dirt chimney.As the Indian drew near, one of the party, by accident documentation engineering ieee system or great imprudence, discharged his gun.
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