,' only bear incidentally upon the points at issue between the Deists and the orthodox.The next writer who comes under our notice was a greater central kc loft man in every sense of the term than Toland.On the other hand, men were grouped under the category whose faith did not rise to the level of Deism.Of the many controversies which were rife during the first half of the eighteenth century, none raised a question of greater central kc loft importance than that which lay at the root of the Deistical controversy.It was an effort by no means confined to any one section of the Church.In estimating the merits of central kc loft this little book, and in accounting for the excitement which it produced, we must not forget that what may now appear to us truisms were 170 years ago new truths, even if they were recognised as truths at all.It is hardly necessary to remark that Deism was not a product of the eighteenth century.Its strict limits, on all central kc loft points which Scripture has left uncertain, had been, as it appeared to them, providentially maintained throughout the first three centuries.It is, however, impossible to believe they would have agreed to any concession which was not evidently superficial.All looked back to primitive times as the unalterable model of doctrine, order, and government all were firmly persuaded that the English Reformation was wholly based on a restoration of the ancient pattern, and had fallen short of its object only so far forth as that ideal had as yet been unattained all looked with suspicion and alarm at such tendencies of their age as seemed to them to contradict and thwart the development of central kc loft these principles.Add to all this, that the Deists proper were constantly accused of holding views which they never held, and that conclusions were drawn from their premisses which those premisses did not warrant, and the difficulty of treating the subject as a whole will be readily perceived.Among High Churchmen, weakened by the secession, the growth of central kc loft degeneracy was still more evident.It is our present purpose briefly to trace the progress and termination of this crisis.The book was presented by the Grand Jury of Middlesex, and was burnt by the hands of the hangman in Dublin central kc loft by order of the Irish House of Commons.It was a serious loss to the English Church to be deprived of the services of such men as Ken and Kettlewell, but it would have been a great misfortune to it to have been represented only by men of their sentiments.
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