For an hour and twenty minutes the two vessels continued the fight, pouring hot broadsides into each other, and separated by less than a hundred feet of water.While these were jewish neighborhoods in new york fitting out, the Lexington and the Dolphin arrived in France, and soon joined the Reprisal in a cruise around the British Islands.For about half an hour the battle raged fiercely.The two vessels were laid yard arm jewish neighborhoods in new york to yard arm and a hot battle ensued, in which the Americans came off the victors.This morning Capt.But the jewish neighborhoods in new york order arrived too late.The boats would come under the lee of the Franklin but, not being provided with grappling irons, the British were forced to lay hold of the gunwales of the enemy with their hands, which the Americans promptly lopped off with their cutlasses.Shortly after the battle between the Lexington and the Edward, there was fought in Massachusetts Bay an action in which the Americans showed jewish neighborhoods in new york the most determined bravery, and which for the courage shown, and losses suffered on either side, may well be regarded as the most important of the naval battles of that year.Tracy ordered his men to re open the conflict, and directed that he be taken in a chair to the quarter deck.He had as consort the privateer schooner Lady Washington, whose jewish neighborhoods in new york captain, seeing Mugford's dangerous predicament, volunteered to remain near at hand and assist in the defence.The firing of the privateer had ceased, but the enemy was still pouring in pitiless broadsides.Of the trivial encounters that go to complete the jewish neighborhoods in new york naval annals of the year, only the briefest recountal is necessary.Last came the vessels commissioned by Congress, which at the outset floated many banners of diverse kinds.The remainder, being impressed jewish neighborhoods in new york from this and neighboring towns, are permitted to return to their friends.Besides capturing two transports loaded with British soldiers, she took so many merchantmen, that on one cruise she brought back to port only five of her original crew, the rest having all been put aboard prizes.
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