His army, in which his greatest strength lay, remained unharmed, and even his fleet was not defeated.These treasures consisted of great and valuable stores of gold, silver, precious stones, garments of the highest cost, and weapons, and vessels of exquisite workmanship and great value, the hereditary freak lunch box possessions of the Egyptian kings.To all their arguments and remonstrances, however, Antony turned a deaf ear.As soon as she arrived freak lunch box at Rome, Octavius, her brother, whose indignation was now thoroughly aroused at the baseness of Antony, sent to his sister to say that she must leave Antony's house and come to him.In fact, when the final battle was fought, the fate of it was decided by a grand defection in the fleet, which went over in a body to the side of Octavius.Her composure on freak lunch box her return.So extreme was Antony's distress, that for three days he and Cleopatra neither saw nor spoke to each other.She took good care to have every thing in perfect order for flight, in case flight should prove to freak lunch box be necessary.Antony, while he was at Athens, and doubtless at Cleopatra's instigation, sent a messenger to Rome with a notice of divorcement to Octavia, and with an order that she should leave his house.She urged freak lunch box him to give Octavius battle at sea.