Marco advanced towards him, and took him by the shoulder, roughly, to wake him up, saying, Forester! cousin Forester! wake up! the boat has gone.As the line came in, however, Jeremiah reached out his hand to seize the fish, and Marco, to prevent him, dropped the pole and endeavored to danica race car driver seize it too.Certainly, said Forester Jeremiah ought to have considered that there was a doubt whether he was entitled to the fish or not, and to have been willing to have given you the benefit of the doubt and so have let you kept the fish.Some are danica race car driver hard.He began to feel so much anxiety, however, about getting back again, that he did not complain.No, danica race car driver said Forester.They are firing up, said Marco, I verily believe.A friendly dispute! exclaimed Marco I never danica race car driver heard of such a thing.They were, at this time, upon the top of a hill which commanded a fine view of the river, and of the scenery upon its banks.The boy, however, danica race car driver told him that there was no danger.Would not they let us? It would not be very convenient to carry a long fishing pole, in that way, to Quebec, replied Forester, through woods, too, half of the way, full of such poles.But danica race car driver I should think you might wade ashore.They are gone, said Marco, in a tone of despair, they are gone and what shall I do? Can't you go in the stage? asked the boy, hoping thus to say a word of encouragement and consolation.