North of George's Bank which lies directly east of Cape Cod are found, in order, Brown's Bank, La Have, Western Bank in the center of which lies Sable Island, famed as an ocean graveyard, whose shifting sands are as thickly strewn with the bleaching ribs of stout ships as an old green churchyard is set with mossy marbles St.Yet to day, we hear all too frequently of river steamers blown to bits, and all on board lost, though it is a form of disaster almost unknown on Eastern waters where crowded steamboats ply the Sound, the Hudson, the Connecticut, and the Potomac, year after year, with man g string thong never a disaster.Louis.For months man g string thong out of the year, the Maine fisherman would be working in the forests, felling great trees, guiding the tugging ox teams to the frozen rivers, which with spring would float the timber down to tidewater.With plenty of sea room, and water enough under the keel, the sailor cares little for wind or waves but in the shallows, with the beach only a few miles to the leeward, and the breakers showing white through the darkness, like the fangs of a beast of prey, the captain of a fishing schooner on George's banks has need of every resource of the sailor, if he is to beat his way off, and not feed the fishes that he came to take.Seaworthy and man g string thong speedy both are these fishing boats of to day, fit almost to sail for the America's cup, modeled, as they are, from a craft built by the designer of a successful cup defender.Of course, neither boat could carry all the fuel pine wood slabs needed for a long voyage, but by careful prearrangement, great flats loaded with wood, awaited them at specified points in midstream.They were the foundation upon which were built the superstructure of comfort and even luxury, the evidences of which are impressive even in the man g string thong richer New England of to day.From three o'clock onward, they would be burning resin and pitch pine (the sign of preparation) and so one had the spectacle of a rank, some two or three miles long, of tall, ascending columns of coal black smoke, a colonnade which supported a roof of the same smoke, blending together and spreading abroad over the city.His luck at fishing, her man g string thong luck with corn and calves and pigs, determined the scale of the winter's living.The growing scarcity of certain kinds of fish, the repeal of encouraging legislation, a change in the taste of certain peoples to whom we shipped large quantities of the finny game, the competition of Canadians and Frenchmen, the great development of the salmon fisheries and salmon canning on the Pacific coast, all have contributed to this decay.Many a pilot stood, with clenched teeth, and eyes firm set upon the distant shore, while the fire roared below and behind him, and the terrified passengers edged further and further forward as the flames pressed their way toward the bow, until at last came the grinding sound man g string thong under the hull, and the sudden shock that told of shoal water and safety.
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