On arriving there he was treated with contempt by the Dey, who demanded that he put the Washington at the service of Algiers, to carry her ambassador to Constantinople.Seeing brick tamblyn anchorman this, Capt.If the consuls have a good piece of furniture, or any other good thing which strikes the Bey's fancy, he never hesitates to ask for it and they have no alternative but to give it.All brick tamblyn anchorman knew that the explosion must have been near the magazine.Their lives were the property of their owners, and they suffered unheard of privations and tortures.But such sufferings as those of the Old Jersey captives can be excused upon brick tamblyn anchorman no ground.Fight on, and send them to the bottom.Here the Americans found two of the most rapacious of the Tripolitan corsairs lying at anchor brick tamblyn anchorman one a ship of twenty six guns under the command of the Tripolitan admiral, and the other a brig of sixteen guns.The Bashaw of Tripoli, discontented with his share of the spoils, cut down the flagstaff before the American consulate, and sent out his cruisers to prey upon American commerce.The vessels of the fleet were to be employed simply to convoy American merchantmen in and out of the Mediterranean Sea, and to be in readiness brick tamblyn anchorman to ward off any hostile action on the part of any of the Barbary powers.And when at last the commander of the Tripolitan, a venerable old man with a flowing beard, appeared in the waist of the ship, sorely wounded, and, bowing submissively, cast the colors of his vessel into the sea, then the fire of the Enterprise ceased, although the usages of war would have justified the Americans in exterminating their treacherous foe.