The teacher may of her own accord, direct any leaving of seats which she may think necessary to accomplish the objects of the school.My apology is european member parliament this.I ought to remark before dismissing this topic, that I place very great confidence in the scholars in regard to their moral conduct and deportment, and they fully deserve it.Show your pupils that it makes you amiable, patient, forbearing, benevolent in little things, as well as in great things, and your example will co operate with your instructions, and allure your pupils to walk european member parliament in the paths which you tread.One or two instances of irregular conduct occurred.) Finally let me insert as the european member parliament keystone of all that I have been saying in this chapter, be sincere, and ardent, and consistent, in your own piety.) Be very cautious how you bring in the awful sanctions of religion, to assist you directly, in the discipline of your school.Why not? There are some reasons I do not know, european member parliament however whether you will have the ingenuity to think of them.But, in many cases, it would merely gratify curiosity to know.Let european member parliament them understand that becoming a Christian is beginning a work, not finishing it.Then if some of the youngest scholars in school should stand up, as I have no doubt they would, it would prove that all might have known, if they had been equally conscientious.You will see from this anecdote that though there is but one rule of the school, I by no means intend to say that there is only one way of doing european member parliament wrong here.Show them clearly what piety is, in its essence, and this you can do most successfully by exhibiting its effects.With the exception that occasionally, usually european member parliament not oftener than once in several months, I allude to the subject, and that chiefly on account of a few careless and unfaithful individuals, I have little to say or to do to maintain the authority of the study card.If your mother or some other friend should come into the school room you can go and sit with her upon the sofa, and talk about the school.
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