One day, when taking a walk, the teacher observed a number of boys with excited looks, and armed with sticks and stones, standing around a shoe maker's shop, to which his poor pupil had gone for refuge from them.He makes a memorandum of the subject, and the boy does not know that the condition of his desk was noticed perhaps he does not even know cate blanchett oscar nomination that there was any thing amiss.The boys obey.Should you like to adopt the plan? cate blanchett oscar nomination If the boys should appear not much interested in the proposal, the teacher might, at his own discretion, waive it.All I mean is, to show by a familiar illustration, how the teacher is to endeavor to enlist the interest, and to excite the curiosity of his pupils, in his plans for the improvement of his school, by presenting them as moral experiments, which they are to assist him in trying, experiments, whose progress they are to watch, and whose results they are to predict.But perhaps some experienced teacher, who knows from his own repeated difficulties with bad boys, what sort of spirits the teacher of district schools has sometimes to deal with, may ask, as he reads this, Do you expect that such a method as cate blanchett oscar nomination this, will succeed in keeping your school in order? Why, there are boys in almost every school, whom you would no more coax into obedience and order in this way, than you would persuade the northeast wind to change its course by reasoning.Who could it be? He is a member of this school.If ever I see your desk in such a state again, I cate blanchett oscar nomination shall most certainly punish you.Now this, unless there is great caution, will often be the case.In one of the colleges of New England, a cate blanchett oscar nomination new and beautiful edifice was erected.Yes sir Yes sir say the boys.After he had finished his narrative, he said, Now should you like to know who this boy was? Yes sir cate blanchett oscar nomination Yes sir said they, eagerly.What shall I do? The first impulse is, to break forth upon them at once, with all the artillery of reproof, and threatening, and punishment.You may all examine your desks then, and decide whether they are in cate blanchett oscar nomination order, or not.(Here there is a sort of involuntary movement all along the line, by which, it is very sensibly straightened.
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