That afternoon, when the lessons had been all recited, and it was about time to dismiss the school, the boys put away their books, and the master read a few verses in the Bible, and then offered a prayer, in which he asked God to forgive all the sins which any of them had committed that day, and to take care of them during the night.Well, (screaming) pants party spongebob square Ma'! Ma'! Charles.If, on the other hand, you do not wish to co operate with me, it will be a little more difficult for me to correct it, and I must take a different course.One fine pleasant morning, in the fall of the pants party spongebob square year, the master was walking along towards school, and he saw three or four boys under a large chestnut tree, gathering chestnuts.The plan was adopted, and the report put an end to the difficulty.There need be no fear that employers will be dissatisfied, if the teacher pants party spongebob square acts upon this principle.Emily.Both were written by pupils of the same age, pants party spongebob square twelve one a boy, the other a girl.Emily.The composition though faulty pants party spongebob square in many respects, illustrates the point we had in view.The great prevailing fault of writers in this country, is an affectation of eloquence.