S.To the ordinary perils of the deep the danger of filter reef sump capture lawful or unlawful by cruiser or privateer, was always to be added.Of course meanwhile English, Dutch, and Spanish ships were trading to the colonies, and every local essay in shipbuilding meant competition with old and established ship yards and ship owners.The first ship built for commercial purposes in New England was The Blessing of the Bay, a sturdy little sloop of filter reef sump 60 tons.Their adventure was very great, considering the doubtful estate of affairs of England, but many prayers of the churches went with them and followed after them.England was still engaged in the filter reef sump effort to monopolize ocean traffic by the operation of tariffs and navigation laws.pgdp.To the adventurous and not over scrupulous men who followed it, privateering was a congenial pursuit so much so, unhappily, that when filter reef sump the war ended, and a treaty robbed their calling of its guise of lawfulness, too many of them still continued it, braving the penalties of piracy for the sake of its gains.The importance of ship building as a factor in the development of New England did not rest merely upon the use of ships by the Americans alone.But perhaps none of these inventions had more homely utility than the New England schooner, which had its filter reef sump birth and its christening at Gloucester in 1713.
Filter reef sump
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