Both were divines of great theological learning but while Bull's great talents were chiefly conspicuous in his controversial and argumentative works, Beveridge was chiefly eminent as a student and devotional writer.First in honour among his conforming friends stood Bishop Bull, his old tutor and eureka vacume parts warm friend, to whom he always acknowledged a deep debt of gratitude.Anything like show and pretence, political shifts and evasions, dissimulations for the sake of safety or under an idea of doing good 'acting,' as he expressed it, 'deceitfully for God, and breaking religion to preserve religion,' were things he would never in the smallest degree condescend to.He entreated his readers to charge their memory eureka vacume parts with them.It is needless, therefore, to go over ground which has already been completely traversed a few notes only of the chief dates and incidents of his life may be sufficient to introduce the subject.'He has set his heart,' said William of him, 'on being a martyr, and I have set mine on disappointing eureka vacume parts him.Unity might be a blessing, and schism a disaster but it is doubtful whether he would have made the smallest concession in order to attain the one, or avoid the other.He published his 'Practice of True Devotion' in 1698, an eureka vacume parts excellent work, which attracted little attention when it first came out, but reached at least its twenty second edition before the next century was completed.He lived indeed through its first decade, but his active life was over before it began.He lived a life unspotted from the eureka vacume parts world nor was there any purer and more fervent spirit in the list of those whose active services were lost to the Church of England by the new oath of allegiance.In his 'Life of Bull' Nelson speaks in terms of much admiration for Beveridge, whom he calls 'a pattern of true primitive piety.Hunt properly observes, nobody was eureka vacume parts responsible but himself.