There was, however, no indication, at the dinner table, that Marco's cousin or uncle suspected him of any wrong.What do mind playing pictures they have paddles for in this country? said Marco.So Forester took out his pocket book and opened it, and then appeared to be turning over the leaves, for a moment, to find a place.His mind playing pictures mind was anxious and unhappy.It is possible, continued Forester, that you may be conscious that you have clearly been guilty of betraying the confidence which I have placed in you in some instance which I know nothing of, or which you suppose I know nothing of, and you may wish to confess it to me.Marco mind playing pictures now hoped that Forester had forgotten this plan, and would not go.The boat shot through the water like an arrow, and was soon clear of the rapids in the comparatively still water below.When the log was in the mill, the man would roll it over into its place, on a long platform of mind playing pictures timber, where it was to be sawed.By this time they began to draw near the mill.I mind playing pictures can keep within my bounds, you know, said he.Though he had been very much interested in the plan the day before, he now felt disinclined to go.